The founder, Desmond Sim, is a strong believer of Natural Therapy. Together with his brothers, they established Cypress Therapy Centre (Sim Brothers) - Singapore since 1982. He than established Eagle’s Therapy Management & Consultancy - International in 2001. Using the Natural Healing Methods—Reflex-Therapy: [ Feet, Hands, Reciprocal, Human Body, Face, Ears, Nose ] and Acupressure, combined with Holistic Nutrition, the Sim’s brother successfully healed their mother who was diagnosed with nose cancer and other illnesses.

Originating from a family background of Chinese physicians, Desmond has continued his research, studies and practice in natural therapy for the past few decades. He has generously shared his knowledge with the public via seminars, charity health talks and demonstrations both locally and overseas. With their extensive experience, he has created a new formula for examining one’s physical health without painful side effects. Desmond calls it “Painless Analysis”.

Desmond strongly believes that Prevention is better than cure and that one should be responsible for his/her own health. He has moved a step forward to impart self-awareness so that others can achieve a long and healthy life. Hence, we are all responsible for our health and wellness. Love is always the best way to proclaim and demonstrate this belief to the world.

Incorporating our company’s years of research and studies, and based on the theory and knowledge shared by worldwide health expertise, we aim to introduce a new depth to Foot Reflexology – an amazing natural therapy made available to all mankind. This therapy is highly recommended and recognized by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O)

Sharing our professionally-designed health improvement educational system, and by conducting a series of seminars and courses, our company moves a step forward to impart self-awareness for all to achieve a long and healthy living. Hence, we play a part to be responsible in assisting to reduce the high health expenditure of our nation.

Mr. Desmond Sim K.H.
Founder / Principal Consultant
Eagle’s Therapy Management & Consultancy Est. 2001 (International)
Cypress Therapy Centre (Sim Bros) since 1982 (Singapore)

Through research and development, based on the theory and knowledge shared by worldwide health experts to different health ailments, we aim to promote good Health, which provides unequivocal aid through education and the application of Natural and Traditional Therapies combined with Holistic Nutrition for the betterment of mankind.

By combining the resonance of love with natural rhythm, we promote wisdom and mutual understanding for mankind. Hence, we can rescue humanity from illness, poverty and lack of soul and spirit. Blessed be the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.


“LOVE is being shared through the Gospel of Good Health.”


“One should be responsible for your own health.”


Since 1982, we have done in-depth research, studied and practiced Natural Therapy – Reflex-Therapy : [ Feet, Hands, Reciprocal, Human Body, Face, Ears, Nose ] and Acupressure Treatments, combine with Holistic Nutrition.

Our Professional Skills Are :-
-        Presentations in Seminars & Press Conference (Mandarin & English)
-        Conduct Professional Training Courses about Natural Therapy, Foot-Reflex etc
-        Conduct Painless Analysis using Foot-Reflex and various Natural Therapy Methods
-        Conduct Holistic Nutrition Seminars & provide personalise Nutrition Consultation
-        Personal Treatment  ( As a special requirement )

Spiritual Idea Of Eagle's Natural Therapy

Based On Reflex-Therapy :-
-        [ Foot, Hand, Reciprocal, Human Body, Face, Ear, Nose ], Acupressure Treatment and Holistic Nutrition as the FUNDATION;

-        Working hand in hand with Chinese & Western Medicine ; Traditional & Alternative Medicine as the STRUCTURE;

-        Thereby receiving the Healing through GOD as the final ACHIEVEMENT.

The Chinese Traditional Boxing Damage Recovery Association.
1.      Singapore President
2.      Permanent Member
Awards by the Rwo-Shr Health Institute International
1.      Diploma in Professional Research (1985)
2.      Lecturer Degree In Professional Research (1994 A94001)
3.      Permanent Member

·         Participated in the Chong Ging Chinese Physicians Centre (Singapore) – 1985
·         Conducted team research activities in China, Europe, USA, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong & Thailand.
·         Member of the Sichuan Chinese Overseas Friendship Association.
·         Consultant for several International Health Products Organizations.
·         Guest speaker at a conference organized by Creative Technologies Group (Singapore)
·         Honorary President of the Singapore Nanyang Sim Clan Association.


现任 :

. since 1982 (Singapore) - 顾问

宗旨 : 研究发展, 推广教育, 服务社会

·         我们愿不断的学习与研究属于全人类的自然养生法, 并融以海内外专家学者的智慧与贡献,从而提升国民对健康的观念与理念,推广联合国世界卫生暑所提倡及鼓励的足部养生法的服务
·         以公平,公正,公开的心和大家分享我们的教育体系, 并举办爱心健康讲座
·         努力迈向健康的生活文化道路,从而负起减轻国家医药负担的责任

------- , 是让大家分享健康的福音 -------

1982   - 钻研自然医学足部养身法
- 研习自然反射学, , , , , 人体,相关反射; 传统医学,营养免疫学

1985   - 修读新加坡重庆中医学院

1994   - 国际若石健康研究会师资研修班毕业 (1994年若石师资第A94001) 并成为永久会员

1995   - 中国传统国术损伤整复协会 - 永久会员,新加坡会长

·         受邀海内外多个社区,团体,学校,宗乡会馆,报业中心, 私人企业等演讲并授课,及出席国际足键会学术研讨典礼
·         接受海内外多家报章,杂志,电视,电台等媒体采访及报导, :新加坡,马来西亚,文莱,香港,中国,日本,美国,瑞典,挪威, 南非与菲律宾等

About Me

My photo
The founder, Desmond Sim is a strong believer in Natural Therapy. Desmond and his brothers established Cypress Therapy Centre (Sim Brothers)- Singapore since 1982. He than established Eagle’s Therapy Management & Consultancy - International in 2001. Using the Natural Healing Methods—Reflex-Therapy: [ Feet, Hands, Reciprocal, Human Body, Face, Ears, Nose ] and Acupressure, combine with Holistic Nutrition, the Sim’s brother successfully healed their mother who was diagnosed with nose cancer and other illnesses. Originating from a family background of Chinese physicians, Desmond has continued his research, studies and practice in natural therapy for the past few decades. He has generously shared his knowledge with the public via seminars, charity health talks and demonstrations both locally and overseas. Interviewed by local and international media on Foot Reflex-Therapy: Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong, China, Japan, The United States, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, South Africa and The Philippines.


The China Traditional Boxing Damage Recovery Association:

1. Singapore President
2. Permanent Member

Awards by the Rwo-Shr Health Institue International:

1. Diploma in Professional Research (1985)
2. Lecturer Degree In Professional Research (1994 A94001)
3. Permanent Member

- Participated in the Chong Ging Chinese Physicians Centre (Singapore) - 1985
- Conducted team research activities in China, Europe, USA, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong & Thailand.
- Member of the Sichuan Chinese Overseas Friendship Association.
- Consultant for serveral International Health Products Organizations.
- Guest speaker at a conference organized by Creative Technologies Group (Singapore)
- Honorary President of the Singapore Nanyang Sim Clan Association.